Completed 670 Contracts and Agreements The value of Government Contracts and Agreements Completed by the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department Exceeded (31) billion dirhams during 2023

The Department stated that it completed over 670 requests in accordance with its role in drafting and reviewing contracts for various Government Entities in Dubai in 2023. These requests included many government projects and development sectors in the Emirate of Dubai.

The Department pointed out that the total value of contracts and agreements drafted or reviewed by the Department amounted to more than (31) billion dirhams. The number of Government Entities that benefited from the Department's services in government legal support in this regard reached (59) entities, with an increase of 34% compared to 2022, which reflects an increase in the number of recipients of the Department services.

Pilot Projects

In providing government legal support, the Department has been able to keep pace with sophisticated technical projects, including Dubai Digital Cloud, the development of government electronic payments platforms, and legal support in implementing the next generation of digital platforms, smart city services and exploiting Dubai government data.

The government legal support provided by the Department in 2023 also included urban infrastructure projects, most notably the successful launch of the air taxi service of the electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. In addition, the Department played a pivotal role in developing and implementing and expanding the “Tasharok" Platform, the central government procurement programme, as it developed and prepared more than (200) framework agreements related to (17) categories of products and services within the programme to more than (54) Government entities in Dubai, with a total value of more than (550) million dirhams.

The specialized strategic legal support provided by the Department has facilitated the implementation of sophisticated digital platform projects and smart city services, including the Government Resources Planning Systems (GRP) 2.0 project for government entities. The legal support provided by the Department has also contributed to the implementation of the Dubai Schools Initiative, which was launched by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, to establish pioneering government-sponsored schools that adopt an innovative model in providing high-quality education at a reasonable cost, in accordance with the best international standards, and in a manner that instils UAE values.

Furthermore, legal consultancy services are provided in some contracts that tackle artificial intelligence, financial technology, cybersecurity, intellectual property, banking and financial services, and IPOs in the transportation sector, which contributes effectively to supporting the economic and investment goals in the Emirate.

In addition to its role in providing legal support and consultancy services, the Department made every effort to hone the skills of some Government Entities, raise awareness of contractual risks, and strengthen legal compliance in accordance with the best international practices. The Department implemented a number of training programmes in drafting and reviewing contracts and agreements in various sectors of government work.

Completed 670 Contracts and Agreements The value of Government Contracts and Agreements Completed by the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department Exceeded (31) billion dirhams during 2023​​

Completed 670 Contracts and Agreements The value of Government Contracts and Agreements Completed by the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department Exceeded (31) billion dirhams during 2023​​
