The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department Launches its Strategic Plan 2023-2025

The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department launched its Strategic Plan 2023-2025 in a move to chart a road map that reflects its vision to provide pioneering and sustainable legal services. The Strategic Plan echoes the aspirations of the leadership to achieve the highest levels of excellence and leadership in government work.

This new Plan builds on the previous efforts of the Department in its Plan 2017-2022. The Plan aims to raise the level of institutional performance and enhance the added value provided to various categories of customers in a manner that would boost competitiveness, by raising capabilities and improving practices with a view to achieving the highest level of performance.

Aspects of Update

The new Strategic Plan covers various aspects of Department work, foremost is building of capabilities and empowerment of government practices related to legal work in line with laws and regulations. In the government legal support sector, the new Plan seeks to raise the level of legal maturity in government entities, as adopted by the Dubai Government Excellence Program evaluation system, to measure legal compliance of those entities.

In the legal profession sector, the Plan, in its new update, set up work mechanisms to ensure raising its level of competitiveness and enabling its sustainability, through developing services for the legal professional sector, raising the level of digitization, proactivity and effectiveness of partnerships. The new update also considered enriching legal knowledge and skills, as the Department seeks to prepare the legal professional sector, both individuals and offices, for any future challenges.

As for community awareness, the Department has been keen, in this new Strategic Plan, to enhance public confidence in the government system and the legal professional sector, by introducing members of the public to the services of the Department in the government and legal professional sectors. The Department has put just as much work into enhancing confidence in the legal system by enabling amicable settlement and alternative dispute resolution for disputes that fall within the jurisdiction of the Department.

Best practices

His Excellency Dr. Lowai Mohammed Belhoul, Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department, affirmed, in this regard, that the Department remains committed not only to developing its services and processes, but also to launching initiatives to cement its pioneering role in the legal work in the Emirate of Dubai, in an effort to maintain its position as a global leader in the rule of law, and to deliver expeditious justice, being a basic requirement for comprehensive development.

His Excellency Dr. Belhoul added that the new Strategic Plan applies best practices in developing institutional approach and performance to deal with new challenges, through a flexible collaborative approach that allows responding to new changes and turning them into opportunities, coping up with all risks, and preparing the necessary infrastructure to ensure the continuity of provision of services, according to the highest level of standards of quality, efficiency and effectiveness. All this as part of maintaining Dubai's position as a world leader in various fields.

His Excellency Dr. Belhoul stated that the Strategy has been updated according to a practice and work plan which saw the participation of all relevant parties throughout the various stages of preparation. This way of work stems from the Department's firm belief in harmony and participation which will inevitably contribute to achieving the vision of the Department.

The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department Launches its Strategic Plan 2023-2025

The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department Launches its Strategic Plan 2023-2025
