To enhance the capabilities of its human resources in shaping the future

The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department concludes its participation in the UAE Innovation Month 2023

As part of the "UAE Innovates 2023" events, which kicked off at the beginning of last February, the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department orchestrated a number of initiatives aimed at making its employees aware of the importance of innovation in providing legal services, and contributing to the development of the Department's operations and practices.

In detail, the Department organized two brainstorming sessions. The first explored venues to shape the future of legal sector projects, while the second shed light on methods to solve problems through creative thinking. The Department also organized training and knowledge workshops about the latest innovation standards, basics of artificial intelligence for Microsoft Azure, and mechanisms for investing innovative ideas in day-to-day work. The Department also conducted a workshop on "patents and intellectual property", which discussed the requirements for patent registration, and protection period as provided in the law. In addition, to motivate its employees to engage more actively in developing work practices and the services it provides to its customers, the Department launched a competition to choose (the three best innovative ideas).

His Excellency Dr. Lowai Mohamed Belhoul, Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department, stated that these initiatives stem from the Department's keenness to enhance the values of innovation, to be part of the institutional culture nurtured by creative practices adopted its employees as a working method to achieve the goals of the Department for continuous development, providing the highest-quality government legal service, and shifting from preparing for the future to shaping it.

His Excellency Dr. Belhoul explained that the tools employed by the Department to foster an innovative climate for its employees aim to enhance their capabilities in the field of innovation, adopt all policies and requirements that enhance institutional capabilities in serving their customers, and ensure their development in accordance with international standards in line with the directives of our leadership.

To enhance the capabilities of its human resources in shaping the future

To enhance the capabilities of its human resources in shaping the future
