Statement by His Excellency Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department on the occasion of the UAE’s 51st National Day

His Excellency Dr. Lowai Mohamed Belhoul, Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department, stated that the achievements accomplished in the United Arab Emirates in the last fifty-one years is an outcome of a wise vision which started with the founding fathers and continues today under an astute leadership taking the nation and people of the UAE through a challenging path towards glory in various areas to inspire the whole world.

His Excellency Dr. Belhoul added that this unique experience which succeeded in record time to give birth to such splendid milestones, and to exceed the boundaries of time in its impressive achievements and progress, is testament to the ability of this country, under the vision of its leaders and the resolve of its people, to build a unique development, and to shape an inspiring unique history that can be a source of pride not only for every Emirati but for all Arabs.

His Excellency Dr. Belhoul affirmed that the values of the union, which laid the groundwork for the progress and prosperity enjoyed today by the people of the UAE, call us to continue the journey of development and encourage us to give further and stick to the goals upon which the UAE is built in order to give something back to this generous country.

His Excellency Dr. Belhoul explained that the fact that UAE residents sharing with the people of the UAE their moments of joy on this occasion reflects the noble values of the UAE which never gave up on the humanitarian aspects throughout its journey of development to become a model of peaceful coexistence and tolerance and home to a culturally diverse society which is inspiring to the whole world.

Statement by His Excellency Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department on the occasion of the UAE’s 51st National Day

Statement by His Excellency Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department on the occasion of the UAE’s 51st National Day

Statement by His Excellency Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department on the occasion of the UAE’s 51st National Day

Statement by His Excellency Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department on the occasion of the UAE’s 51st National Day

Statement by His Excellency Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department on the occasion of the UAE’s 51st National Day
