(2769) Legal Consultants from (78) Countries Practice Legal Consultancy in the Emirate of Dubai

The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department revealed that, until the end of August of this year, the total number of legal consultants registered with the Department reached (2769), from seventy-eight different Arab and foreign nationalities, working in accordance with the regulations and procedures governing the profession in a manner that serves the nature of the investment climate in the Emirate of Dubai.

In details, the number of registered legal consultants from non-Arab nationalities reached (1583), accounting for (47%) of the total number of those registered with the Department. The United Kingdom has, by far, the largest number of foreign registered consultants, with a rate of (47%), followed by the Republic of India with (9.5%), then Australia with (6.8%), while the number of legal consultants from the United States of America reached (5.6%), followed by Canada and France who ranked the fifth with a rate of 4% for both countries, There are registered consultants from some other foreign nationalities, including Germany, the Russian Federation, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, and Spain.

His Excellency Dr. Lowai Mohamed Belhoul, Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department, stated that the legal professional sector enhances the economic climate in the Emirate, and provides an attractive investment environment with diverse expertise and people from different backgrounds and nationalities, in a manner that nurtures diversity in the legal fields as practiced by legal consultants registered with the Department. This meets the aspirations of recipients of legal services in the Emirate of Dubai, and improves competitiveness, which reflects favourably on providing exceptional legal services.

His Excellency Dr. Belhoul added that the measures taken by the Department to reduce and facilitate registration and licensing requirements added impetus to the professional legal sector, especially by attracting seventy-two new international firms licensed by the Department. These firms have found in the Emirate of Dubai a favorable environment for practicing the legal professional, due to the flexible requirements and procedures that contribute to saving time and efforts, which enables customers to avail of distinguished government services.

In turn, Dr. Juma Obaid AlFalasi, Director of the Advocates and Legal Consultants Affairs Directorate, pointed out that the Department works with clear plans and objectives to attract the best international firms with professional reputation and different specializations to meet aspirations of investors in terms of providing various legal services in the Emirate. This is true in light of accelerating economic and digital transformation and its impact in the investment sector, such as blockchain, trade transactions, electronic contracts, and augmented reality (Metaverse), and the all legal dimensions associated with these developments. Dr Jumaa also highlighted the Department's keenness to include these new developments in the training programmes provided by the Department to registered legal consultants to raise the bar of legal work in the Emirate.

(2769) Legal Consultants from (78) Countries Practice Legal Consultancy in the Emirate of Dubai
