The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department organises a training course for its employees on how to use sign language

The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department, in collaboration with the  Community Development Authority, organised a training course for its employees on the basics of sign language. The course aims to provide participants with communication skills for people of determination who have hearing impairments. This will contribute to enhancing societal integration by identifying basic needs such as the ability to communicate, free from obstacle.

The two-day course, which was presented by Salah Awda, a sign language expert, included interactive activities to train participants on signs used by people with hearing impairment to express their ideas in the absence of verbal communication. The course also included some additional advice to help facilitate communication with people with hearing impairment, such as the use of a whole range of expressions ranging from facial expressions to finger gestures whilst trying to avoid long expressive sentences. The course also highlighted that when using sign language, the person signing ought to face those to whom he speaks, so that facial expressions can be read.

For his part, His Excellency Dr. Lowai Mohamed Belhoul, Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department stated that this training course stems from the Department's social responsibility towards people of determination and its constant desire to implement all initiatives that support societal integration, in order to achieve the leadership's vision to make Dubai a friendly place for people of determination.

 The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department organises a training course for its employees on how to use sign language
