The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department hosts Lecture Entitled “Religious Vibes” by Sheikh Saleh Al-Maghamisi

As part of its desire to spread Islamic values and ethics among employees during the holy month of Ramadan, the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department received the well renowned Imam of the Quba Mosque of Medina, who gave a lecture that was attended by a large number of employees from the Legal Affairs Department as well as other departments of H.H. The Ruler's Court.

During his lecture, Sheikh Saleh Al-Maghamsi talked about "Al baqiyat Al Salihat" (the enduring good deeds) that include all good and righteous deeds done for the sake of Allah, such as observing the performance of the prayers, the virtue of "Tasbih" (glorification of Allah), "Tahmid" (praising of Allah) and "Takbeer" (extolling Allah), dutifulness to parents, refraining from being unjust to people,  "Istighfar" (seeking Allah's forgiveness) and "At-tawbah" (seeking repentance from Allah. and staying true to that). Sheikh Al-Maghamsi affirmed that these virtues are considered as good deeds that will be bestowed upon  servant's of Allah, after death.

Al-Maghamsi also recalled the importance of diligence in observing the act of worship especially during the last ten days where a believer must observe prayer and worship with greater intensity and dedication to obtain Allah's good grace.

Sheikh Saleh Al-Maghamsi answered all the questions raised by the employees who attended the lecture.

At the end of the lecture, His Excellency Dr Lowai Belhoul, Director General of the Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department, presented Sheikh Saleh Al-Maghamsi with atoken of appreciation from the Department in recognition of his efforts.

The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department hosts Lecture Entitled “Religious Vibes” by Sheikh Saleh Al-Maghamisi

The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department hosts Lecture Entitled “Religious Vibes” by Sheikh Saleh Al-Maghamisi The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department hosts Lecture Entitled “Religious Vibes” by Sheikh Saleh Al-MaghamisiThe Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department hosts Lecture Entitled “Religious Vibes” by Sheikh Saleh Al-Maghamisi
